As my last days as an intern are coming close, I have been reflecting on my experience working in Assemblymember Gipson's office. The image above is a picture of me in the Assemblymember's office on my first day. I never would have thought these past 7 months would have gone by so quickly.
In these past months, I have gained so many skills and found my passion for public policy. At Assemblymember Gipson's office, interns are treated like field representatives and are given so many hands-on learning opportunities. In my first weeks, I became adept at assisting constituents within the district. Some of my duties included answering their questions, helping them get their government stipends, and creating certificates for exceptional businesses and organizations.
Aside from these daily tasks, I received the opportunity to help plan community events. The first event I helped with was an end-of-life workshop. This workshop gave those in low-opportunity areas access to information about medical expenses, trust and wills, and more. I was able to meet so many new people at this event and realized how much of an impact these community events could have on people.
Another event that I helped plan was the annual Women's Leadership Breakfast. This event honored women who were leaders in their communities and included a panel discussion from esteemed women leaders. I helped with preparing the gift bags for the event as well as the program booklet.
The largest event I was able to help with was a young women's conference called B.L.U.S.H. (Building Leaders and Uplifting Sisterhood). I helped with finding caterers, speakers, and sponsors for the event. I also created the program booklet and slideshow for the event. In addition, I communicated with local organizations to help spread the word about this event. It was amazing to see over 400 high school and college young women at this event. The attendees got to learn from over 15 speakers about financial literacy, self-defense, etiquette, leadership skills, and more.
Through my experience at the internship, I was able to find my passion for public policy. Legislation is able to help so many different types of people from all different backgrounds. Because of this internship, I was able to meet the constituents that the legislation effects, giving me insight on the true purpose of policymaking.